Testing and Harlem Shaking!

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Oli Webb Blog- After a hard fought and mad busy winter I’m now confirmed to drive with Fortec Motorsport in this years Worldseries by Renault 3.5 championship, the feeder series to Formula1. After living in the USA last year racing in Indy Lights with the championship winning team Sam Schmidt motorsports I came back to the UK for winter, with every intent on moving back. Things over winter with sponsors changed and it meant that Europe was suddenly more applicable and it gave me that chance to fight on the ladder to F1 again. I jumped at the opportunity and signed with the championship winning team from 2012, Fortec. Since Signing I have been training hard and doing lots of media and press work for the lead up to the season. Working at BAC Mono is also a large part of what I do on the side of racing, a supercar company based in Holmes Chapel, Cheshire where I do testing, filming and events for the company.


Having just finished a small documentary on myself filming with the BBC on my career I was now set to head towards my first Pre Season test at Monza in Italy, or at least it was meant to be. Snow struck overnight and caused huge issues with safety with all the gravel traps iced up! Having never driven the car this was a very important test and to fly all the way to Italy on Valentines day to spend it looking at ice on a track and fly back, wasn’t so good! The next test after this was in Spain, 3 hours south of Barcelona. This test went ahead and went ahead well, getting some good miles under my belt and doing a good job. On the second day however I woke up to snow…again!! Somehow in Spain near march, it had fallen hard and cancelled the day once again. There was little to do now at the track with all our fights the next day other than prepare set ups for the test in 2 weeks at Paul Riccard in France. So what did we do to pass the time? Well, this……  http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SQ_dmA9u1m8